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High-quality external designed to give you an advantage in Fortnite with full protection from detections.

Disconnect – Fortnite External


Key Features of Disconnect – Fortnite External

  1. Overview
    • The Fortnite External cheat from disconnect.wtf offers an advanced set of tools tailored for precise gameplay enhancement.
    • With a wide range of customizable features, this external tool gives players a distinct advantage in Fortnite, allowing them to dominate with ease.
    • Below is a detailed breakdown of its key functionalities.
  2. Visuals
    • Customizable ESP with options for Box (Corner, Full), Skeleton (Bezier, Sharp), and distance indicators Team and NPC recognition with separate color settings
    • Dynamic color configurations for visible, hidden, knocked, and team entities Comprehensive radar system with player size adjustment, background transparency, and automatic scaling for distance visualization
  3. Aimbot
    • Fully adjustable weapon-specific aimbot settings, including hitbox targeting (Head, Neck, Chest, Pelvis) Customizable smoothing, deadzone, and FOV for precise aiming
    • Triggerbot with hitbox selection and delay adjustment for quick reactions Keybind options for both aimbot and triggerbot, ensuring seamless gameplay integration
  4. Item ESP
    • Item ESP with rarity filters (Materials, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Exotic) Visualize item amounts, rarity, and distance, fully adjustable for personal preference
  5. Miscellaneous Features
    • Battlemode toggle, configuration management, and VSync support for smoother gameplay

Undetected on EAC/BE/Tournaments Windows 10 and Windows 11 Support Easy Setup

Game: Fortnite

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